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The tale of TILs in breast cancer: A report from The International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group



收录情况: ◇ SCIE

机构: [1]Department of Medical Oncology, Mohammed VI University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed Ist University, Oujda, Morocco [2]Department ofCellular Pathology, Great Western Hospital, Swindon, UK [3]Translational Health Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK [4]Division of Research, Peter MacCallum CancerCentre, Melbourne, Australia [5]Department of Pathology, Montefiore Medical Center and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA [6]Chief Information Officer,WISS & Company, LLP and President J.Shear Consulting, LLC–Ardsley, Ardsley, NY, USA [7]ICPV, Independent Cancer Patient Voice, London, UK [8]Department of Pathologyand Legal Medicine, Medical School of the Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil [9]Department of Medical Oncology, University of Medicine “I.Hatieganu”, Cluj Napoca,Romania [10]Brazilian Society of Oncology, Salvador, Brazil [11]Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran [12]Hopital Charles Nicolle, Tunis,Tunisia [13]Department of Histopathology, Tata Medical Center, Kolkata, India [14]Department of Pathology, Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran University of MedicalSciences, Tehran, Iran [15]Pathology and Legal Medicine, Amazon Federal University, Belém, Brazil [16]Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Fundacion Valle delLili, and Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad ICESI, Cali, Colombia [17]Sichuan Cancer Hospital, Chengdu, China [18]Department of Pathology, National Taiwan UniversityHospital, Taipei, Taiwan [19]Department of Histopathology, Manipal Hospitals Dwarka, New Delhi, India [20]Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of SãoPaulo, São Paulo, Brazil [21]Apc labs - Annasr Pathology Center, El Jadida, Morocco [22]Army Hospital Research and Referral, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi, India [23]Aginome ScientificPte Ltd, Xiamen, China [24]Breast Cancer Comprehensive Center, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt [25]Department of Oncology, National TaiwanUniversity Cancer Center, Taipei, Taiwan [26]Department of Oncology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan [27]Department of Pathology, Breast Cancer CenterFUCAM, Mexico City, Mexico [28]Centro de Pesquisas Clinicas do IMIP, Recife, Brazil [29]The Medical Oncology Centre of Rosebank, Johannesburg, South Africa [30]Departmentof Immunology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria, corner Doctor Savage Road and Bophelo Road, Pretoria 0002, South Africa [31]Department of MedicalOncology, Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas, Lima 15038, Peru [32]Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Cientifica del Sur, Lima, Peru [33]Departmento dePatologia, Hospital Universitario Austral, Pilar, Argentina [34]Department of Pathology, Hospital de Oncología Maria Curie, Buenos Aires, Argentina [35]Department ofPathology, Sanatorio Mater Dei, Buenos Aires, Argentina [36]Department of Research, Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplasicas, Lima 15038, Peru [37]Institute ofBiological Sciences, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), 43 150 Ben-Guerir, Morocco [38]Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, UKM Medical Centre, KualaLumpur, Malaysia [39]Department of Pathology, Fudan University Cancer Center, Shanghai, China [40]Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya [41]Praava Health, Dhaka,Bangladesh [42]Molecular Immunology Unit, Institut Jules Bordet, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium [43]Laboratory of Tumour Immunology and Immunotherapy,Department of Oncology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium [44]Department of Hematology/Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA [45]Department of Histopathology,Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK [46]Breast Cancer Program, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Vanderbilt University MedicalCenter, Nashville, TN, USA [47]Clinical Oncology Unit, Instituto Oncológico Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina [48]India Cancer Research Consortium-ICMR, Department of HealthResearch, New Delhi, India [49]Department of Pathology, Laboratorio QUANTUM, Rosario, Argentina [50]Department of Clinical Genetics and Pathology, Skåne UniversityHospital, Lund University, Lund, Sweden [51]Department of Pathology, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA [52]Diagnostic Development, Ontario Institute for CancerResearch, Toronto, Canada [53]Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre, Institute of Genetics and Cancer, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK [54]Department ofLaboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada [55]Department of Pathology, Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS, and University ofMilan, Milan, Italy [56]Institute of Pathology, Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg GmbH, Standort Marburg and Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany [57]Department of Pathology, Matsuyama Shimin Hospital, Matsuyama, Japan [58]Department of Medical Oncology, Institut Jules Bordet, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels,Belgium [59]German Breast Group, Neu-Isenburg, Germany [60]Laboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA [61]Department of Pathology andLaboratory Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA [62]Department of Pathology, The University of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA [63]NationalSurgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP)/NRG Oncology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA [64]Department of Pathology, RCCS Fondazione Istituto Nazionale Tumori andUniversity of Milan, School of Medicine, Milan, Italy [65]Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia [66]Medical OncologyDepartment, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia [67]Department of pathology Sanatorio Mater Dei, Buenos Aires, Argentina [68]Department of Pathologyand Laboratory Medicine, Kurume University Medical Center, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan [69]Servicio de Anatomía Patológica, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires,Argentina [70]Division of Pathology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [71]Department of Pathology, GZA-ZNA Hospitals, Antwerp, Belgium [72]Perlmutter Cancer Center, New York University Medical School, New York, NY, USA [73]Divisions of Medical Oncology, Molecular Oncology & Immunology, The NetherlandsCancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [74]Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy [75]Medical Oncology 2, IstitutoOncologico Veneto IOV-IRCCS, Padova, Italy [76]Service de Biostatistique et d’Epidémiologie, Gustave Roussy, Oncostat U1018, Inserm, University Paris-Saclay, labeled LigueContre le Cancer, Villejuif, France [77]Department of Radiation Oncology, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA [78]Department of Pathology, AZ Sint-Maarten, Mechelen, Belgium [79]Department of Pathology, VCU, Richmond, VA, USA [80]Pathomorphology, Buzoo KOD, Omsk, Russia [81]Anatomical Pathology, HUFA, Alcorcón, Spain [82]Pathology, Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain [83]Pathology, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, South Korea [84]Breast Surgery, the First Hospital of Jiaxing, Jiaxing, China [85]Oncology, General Teaching hospital Prague, Prague, Czech Republic [86]Medical Oncology, Centro Oncologico DeGalicia, A Coruña, Spain [87]Pathology, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Medical School, Istanbul, Turkey [88]Pathology, Tata Memorial Hospital, ACTREC, Mumbai, India [89]Pathology,Hospital israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil [90]Histopathology, Sullivan Nicolaides, Darwin City, NT, Australia [91]Anatomical Pathology, Singapore GeneralHospital, Singapore, Singapore [92]Dentistry, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (UNIMONTES), Montes Claros, Brazil [93]Anatomical Pathology, Faculdade de Medicina doABC, Santo André, Brazil [94]Institut für Pathologie, Klinikum Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany [95]Department of Pathology, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland [96]Department of Pathology, ULSS 6 Euganea, Padua, Italy [97]Department of Oncology/Pathology, Karolinska Insitutet, Solna, Sweden [98]Breast surgery, Memorial Sloan KetteringCancer Center, Boston, MA, USA [99]Department of Pathology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Ulsan, Korea [100]Pathology, Complejo hospitalariouniversitario insular materno infantile, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain [101]Medical Oncology, Kyungpook National University Hospital, Daegu, South Korea [102]Department of Pathology, Mexican Oncology Hospital, IMSS, Mexico, Mexico [103]Medical Oncology, Clínica AMO, Salvador, Brazil [104]Pathology, Complex oncology centerPlovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria [105]Anatomical Pathology, The Oncology Institute Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania [106]Pathology, Imagepat, Porto Alegre, Brazil [107]Medical Oncology,Azienda Ospedaliera Regionale San Carlo, San Carlo, Italy [108]Pathology, Virginia Commonwealth University Health, Virgina, VA, USA [109]Pathology, AIIMS, Bhopal, India [110]Pathology, Katedra Patomorfologii UJ CM, Kraków, Poland [111]Pathology, Unipath, Jaipur, India [112]Department of Pathology, Medical Faculty of Porto University, Porto,Portugal [113]Pathology, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil [114]Department of Pathology, Keio University School ofMedicine, Tokyo, Japan [115]Pathology, Unidad de Patologia y Reumatologua, Mexico, Mexico [116]Pathology, Hospital Universitario de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain [117]Pathology, IRCCSsacrocuore don calabria, Verona, Italy [118]U.O.Anatomia Patologica, ASST Lariana-Ospedale “Sant’Anna di Como”, Vicenza, Italy [119]Laboratory Medicine, De La Salle UniversityMedical Center, De La Salle, Philippines [120]Pathology, Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia, Colombia, USA [121]Pathology, Liverpool Clinical Laboratories, Liverpool UniversityHospitals NHS Trust, Liverpool, UK [122]Pathology, NSW Health, Gosford, NSW, Australia [123]Life Sciences, Ahmedabad University, Gujarat, India [124]Pathology, Tata MemorialCentre, Mumbai, India [125]Faculté de Médecine, Université Mouloud MAMMERI, Tizi Ouzou, Algeria [126]Pathology, Hung Vuong Hospital, Ho Chin Minh, Hanoi, Vietnam [127]Driving,Imperial Driving School, Kisumu City, Kenya [128]Iovance Biotherapeutics, San Carlos, CA, USA [129]Breast Surgery, Nakagami Hospital, Okinawa, Japan [130]Pathology, Q2Solutions, Bathgate, UK [131]NSW Health Pathology, St George Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia [132]Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta,GA, USA [133]Histogenex, Beijing, China [134]Department of Pathology, NSW Health Pathology, Sydney, NSW, Australia [135]ASL Napoli 1 Centro, Ospedale Pellegrini, Napoli, Italy [136]Anatomic Pathology for Clinical Trials, Quest Diagnostics, California, USA [137]Department of Pathology, Argos - Fortaleza-CE, Fortaleza, Brazil [138]Anatomic Pathology, Q2Solutions, California, USA [139]Pathology, Q2 lab solutions and Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, California, USA [140]UOC Anatomia Patologica, ULSS5 Polesana Rovigo, Rovigo, Italy [141]Pathology, DPMG, Sacramento, USA [142]Anatomic Pathology, Q2 Lab Solutions, San Juan Capistrano, California, USA [143]Anatomic Pathology, Q2 Lab Solutions, Bathgate, UK [144]Department of Oncology, IMIP, Northeast, Brazil [145]Surgical Pathology, San Cecilio Hospital, Granada, Spain [146]Anatomical Pathology, NSW Health, Sydney, Australia [147]Histopathology Department, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, North Wales, UK [148]Pathology, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil [149]School of ControlScience and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China [150]Pathology, Gustave Roussy Institut, Villejuif, France [151]Anatomical Pathology, Royal North Shore Hospital, StLeonards, NSW, Australia [152]Department of Pathology, Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger, Norway [153]Q2 Solutions, Atlanta, GA, USA [154]Pathology, Krasnoyarsk StateMedical University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia [155]Pathological Anatomy, Padova University Hospital, Padua, Italy [156]Division of Imaging, Diagnostics, and Software Reliability, US Foodand Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD, USA [157]School of Medicine, Medical Science and Nutrition, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland [158]MultidisciplinaryOncologic Centre Antwerp (MOCA), Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem, Belgium [159]Public Health and Primary Care, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium [160]Pathology, Washington University at St.Louis, St.Louis, MO, USA [161]Optimisation and Pattern Recognition Group, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia [162]AnatomicPathology, ASST Bergamo Ovest, Treviglio, Italy [163]Pathology Department, Hospital Quiron Salud, Madrid, Spain [164]Department of Pathology, University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA [165]Department of Pathology, Nakagami Hospital, Okinawa, Japan [166]Department of Pathology, Erasmus MC, Cancer Institute, Rotterdam,The Netherlands [167]Medical Oncology, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy [168]Anatomic Pathology, Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital, Ýstanbul, Turkey [169]CancerBiology and Therapeutics Laboratory, School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, UCD Conway Institute, Dublin, Ireland [170]Precision Oncology Ireland, Conway Institute,UCD, Dublin, Ireland [171]Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Colombus, OH, USA [172]Medical Oncology, Centro Hospitalar Universitario do Algarve, Faro, Portugal [173]Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada [174]Histogenex, Antwerpen, Belgium [175]Institute of Pathology Heidelberg (IPH), University HospitalHeidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany [176]Head breast Cancer Program, Oncology Department, IOB institute of Oncology, Quiron Group, Barcelona, Spain [177]Department ofPathology, University Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria [178]Public Health and Primary Care, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium [179]Department of Oncology, Hospital de Mataro, Barcelona, Spain [180]Department of Pathology, University of Kansas Medical Center, KansasCity, KS, USA [181]Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA [182]Adelson School of Medicine, Ariel University, Ramat Gan, Israel [183]Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK [184]Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, Department ofPathology, New York, NY, USA [185]Department of Pathology, Léon Bérard Cancer Center, Lyon, France [186]Department of Pathology, Saint-Petersburg clinical scientific andpractical center for specialised types of medical care (oncological), St.Petersburg, Russia [187]Fundacion Instituto Valenciano de Oncologia, Valencia, Spain [188]Histopathology,Aster Labs, Shoreview, St Paul, MN, USA [189]St.Vincent’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, South Korea [190]Department of Pathology, University ofMarburg, Marburg, Germany [191]Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases, Helsinki, Finland [192]Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney,Australia [193]KU Leuven- University of Leuven, Department of Imaging and Pathology, Laboratory of Translational Cell & Tissue Research and KU Leuven- University HospitalsLeuven, Department of Pathology, Leuven, Belgium [194]Institut für Pathologie, UK Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany [195]Department of Surgical Pathology, JR Kyushu Hospital,Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan [196]Biomedical Quality Assurance Research Unit, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium [197]Cancer Bioinformatics Lab, Cancer Centre at Guy’s Hospital, London,UK [198]School of Life Sciences and Medicine, King’s College London, London, UK [199]Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy [200]Department ofPathology, Karolinska Institute, Solna, Sweden [201]Consulting, PixelMed, Bangor, PA, USA [202]Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UNC School of Medicine, ChapelHill, NC, USA [203]Department of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Canada [204]Roche Diagnostics, Brussel, Belgium [205]Department of Radiation Oncology, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada [206]Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada [207]Breast Cancer Now Research Centre, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK [208]Merck & Co., Inc, Kenilworth, NJ, USA [209]Oncology Merck & Co, Kenilworth, NJ, USA [210]Pathology Department, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain [211]Catalan Institute of Oncology, Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain [212]Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics department, MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, Madrid, Spain [213]Roche, Tucson, AZ, USA [214]Department of Biomedical Informaticsand Department of Pathology, Stony Brook School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY, USA [215]Comprehensive Cancer Center, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino GemelliIRCCS, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy [216]Medical Oncology Unit, Agostino Gemelli IRCCS Polyclinic Foundation, Rome, Italy [217]Department of Oncology andPathology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden [218]Departments of Epigenetics and Molecular Carcinogenesis, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,TX, USA [219]Department of Clinical Pathology, Akademiska University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden [220]Department of pathology, Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht,The Netherlands [221]GHI Le Raincy-Montfermeil, Chelles, Île-de-France, Montfermeil, France [222]Department of Medical Biology and Pathology, Gustave Roussy CancerCampus, Villejuif, France [223]Laboratory of Molecular and Tumor Immunology, Earle A.Chiles Research Institute/ Providence Cancer Center, Portland, Oregon, USA [224]Department of Pathology, Breast Pathology Section, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA. 225Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia. [226]Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA [227]Departamento de Anatomia Patologica, Hospital deTerrassa, Barcelona, Spain [228]Department of Pathology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [229]Department of Anatomic Pathology, Faculty of Medicine,Universidad De La Frontera, Temuco, Chile [230]Department of Pathology, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile [231]Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, TuftsMedical Center, Boston, USA [232]Institute of Cancer Research Clinical Trials and Statistics Unit, The Institute of Cancer Research, Surrey, UK [233]Department of Medical Sciences,University of Turin, Turin, Italy [234]The Fingerland Department of Pathology, University Hospital Hradec Kralove, Kralove, Czech Republic [235]Department of Surgical PathologyZealand University Hospital, Zealand, Denmark [236]Department of Pathology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary [237]Department of Pathology, St Vincentfs UniversityHospital and University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland [238]University of Turin / Candiolo Cancer Institute - FPO, IRCCS, Candiolo, Italy [239]Servico de Anatomia Patologica, CentroHospitalar Universitario de Sao Joao and Ipatimup, Porto, Portugal [240]University of Turin at Candiolo Cancer Institute, FPO-IRCCS, Candiolo, Italy [241]Nuffield Department ofPopulation Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK [242]Department of Medical Oncology, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol, UK [243]Institut Curie,Department of Pathology, Inserm U934,Paris Sciences Lettres University, Paris, France [244]Pharmaceutical Research and Early Development (pRED), Roche Innovation CenterMunich, Penzberg, Germany [245]Department of Surgical Pathology, gSaint Savvash Regional Anticancer Hospital, Athens, Greece [246]Department of Pathology, Herlev andGentofte University Hospital, Herlev, Denmark [247]Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute (DSS), Firenze, Italy [248]Department of Pathology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,Austria [249]Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA [250]Diagnostic and Research Institute of Pathology, Medical University ofGraz, Graz, Austria [251]The Gillies McIndoe Research Institute, Wellington, New Zealand [252]Department of Pathology, BC Cancer Agency Vancouver Centre, Department ofPathology, Vancouver, Canada [253]Department of Pathology, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland [254]Division of Imaging, Diagnostics, and Software Reliability, Office ofScience and Engineering Laboratories, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, US Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD, USA [255]University Hospital Halle (Saale),Institute of Pathology, Halle (Saale), Germany [256]Oncology Department, Cancer Institute, University College London, London, UK [257]Department of Pathology, University Hospitalof Bellvitge, Oncobell, IDIBELL, LfHospitalet del Llobregat, Barcelona 08908 Catalonia, Spain [258]Department of molecular pathology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam,The Netherlands [259]Translational Research, Forbius, Montreal, Canada [260]Vall dfHebron Hospital Research Institute, Autoimmune Diseases department, Barcelona, Spain [261]Research Pathology, Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, CA, USA [262]Department of Pathology, GZA-ZNA Ziekenhuizen, Wilrijk, Belgium [263]Translational Gerontology Branch,National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA [264]Experimental Gerontology Section and Translational Gerontology Branch, NIA,NIH, Baltimore, USA [265]Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno, Czech Republic [266]Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, MontrealUniversity, Montreal, Canada [267]Scientific Director, Image Analysis, AstraZeneca Computational Pathology, Munich Area, Germany [268]Pathology, CHU UCL, Namur, Belgium [269]Anatomical Pathology, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina [270]Anatomical Pathology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Australia [271]University ofSydney, Sydney, Australia [272]Department of Medical Oncology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia [273]Department of Medicine, University ofMelbourne, Parkville, Australia [274]Directorate of Surgical Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide, Australia [275]Consumer Advisory Panel, Breast Cancer Trials, Adelaide, Australia [276]Department of Anatomical Pathology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Parkville, Australia [277]The Cancer Research Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Darlinghurst,Australian Clinical Labs, Darlinghurst, Australia [278]Department of Pathology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia [279]Division of Research and Cancer Medicine,Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia [280]The University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research and Pathology Queensland, Brisbane,Australia [281]NSW Health Pathology, Sydney, Australia [282]Department of Medical Oncology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Australia [283]Institute of Pathology, Medical University ofGraz, Graz, Austria [284]Department of Medicine, Clinical Division of Oncology, Comprehensive Cancer Centre Vienna, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria [285]Departmentof Pathology, Hospital Graz II, Academic Teaching Hospital of the Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria [286]Department of Radiation Oncology, Iridium Kankernetwerk, Wilrijk-Antwerp, Belgium [287]Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Wilrijk-Antwerp, 2610 Antwerpen, Belgium [288]Department of Radiology, Jules BordetInstitute, Bruxelles, Belgium [289]Department of Pathology, AZ Turnhout, Turnhout, Belgium [290]Department of Pathology, Jules Bordet Institute, Brussels, Belgium [291]HistoGeneXNV, Antwerp, Belgium and AZ Sint-Maarten Hospital, Mechelen, Belgium [292]Department of Pathology, University Hospital Antwerp, Edegem, Belgium [293]Department ofPathology, University Hospital Ghent, Gent, Belgium [294]Medical Oncology, GZA, Antwerp, Belgium [295]Pathology department of ZNA and GZA hospitals in Antwerp, Antwerp,Belgium [296]Institut Jules Bordet, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium [297]Department of Pathology, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium [298]Departmentof Pathology, Institut Jules Bordet, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium [299]Department of Pathology, Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium [300]Department ofDevelopment and Regeneration, Laboratory of Experimental Urology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium [301]Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics Laboratory, Princess MargaretCancer Center, Toronto, Canada [302]Trev & Joyce Deeley Research Centre, British Columbia Cancer Agency, Victoria, Canada [303]Department of Pathology and LaboratoryMedicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada [304]University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada [305]Genetic Pathology Evaluation Centre,Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada [306]Center for Pharmacogenomics and Fudan-Zhangjiang, Center forClinical Genomics School of Life Sciences and Shanghai Cancer Center, Fudan University, Shanghai, China [307]Department of Pathology, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, Herlev,Denmark [308]DTU Compute, Department of Applied Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark. Visiopharm A/S, Horsholm, Denmark [309]Department of Pathology, Universityof Helsinki and University of Turku, Turku, Finland [310]Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, University of Helsinki and Helsinki UniversityHospital, Helsinki, Finland [311]Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland [312]Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland [313]GustaveRoussy, Universite Paris-Saclay, Villejuif, France [314]Université Paris-Sud, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Villejuif, France [315]Université Paris-Saclay, Univ.Paris-Sud, Villejuif, France [316]Service de biostatistique et dfepidemiologie, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France [317]Department of Medical Oncology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France [318]Centre de Lutte Contre le cancer - Centre Jean Perrin, Clermont-Ferrand, France [319]R&D UniCancer, Paris, France [320]Department of Pathology, Gustave Roussy, Grand Paris,France [321]Department of Pathology, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France [322]Service de Biostatistique et d’Epidémiologie, Gustave Roussy, CESP, Université-Paris Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Villejuif, France [323]Department of Surgical Pathology and Biopathology, Jean Perrin Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Clermont-Ferrand, France [324]Institute of Pathology,Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany [325]Breast Center, Dept.OB&GYN and CCC (LMU), University of Munich, Munich, Germany [326]Johanniter GmbH - EvangelischesKrankenhaus Bethesda Mönchengladbach, West German Study Group, Monchengladbach, Germany [327]Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of FreieUniversität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany [328]Berlin Institute of Health, Institute of Pathology, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany [329]Department ofPathology, Bács-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital, Kecskemét, Hungary [330]Department of Pathology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary [331]Department of Pathology, IstitutoEuropeo di Oncologia, University of Milan, Milan, Italy [332]Department of Medical Oncology, Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Milan, Italy [333]Azienda AUSL, Regional Hospital ofAosta, Aosta, Italy [334]University of Milano, Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, IRCCS, Milano, Italy [335]Departments of Surgical Pathology, Kyoto Prefectural University ofMedicine, Kyoto, Japan [336]Kyoto University, Department of Breast Surgery, Kyoto, Japan [337]Kansai Medical University Medical Center, Osaka, Japan [338]Department of BreastSurgery, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [339]Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Kansai Medical University, Osaka, Japan [340]Breast Surgery, Kansai MedicalUniversity Hospital, Osaka, Japan [341]Medical Oncology, Fukushima Medical University Hospital, Fukushima, Japan [342]Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, Tokyo, Japan [343]Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Nippon Medical School Hospital, Tokyo, Japan [344]Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan [345]Department of Pathology, KawasakiMedical School, Okayama, Japan [346]Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan [347]National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, Japan [348]Department ofSurgery, Kansai Medical School, Hirakata, Japan [349]Department of Pathology, Mie University School of Medicine, Mie, Japan [350]Pathology, Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi,Kenya [351]Department of Pathology and Diagnostic Laboratory Services, , UKM Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [352]Surgical Pathologist, North Shore Hospital,WDHB, Auckland, New Zealand [353]Department of Oncology & Radiotherapy, Medical University of Gda.sk, Gdansk, Poland [354]Tumor Pathology Department, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center, Gliwice, Poland [355]Breast Unit, Champalimaud Clinical Center/Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal [356]Breast Unit, Champalimaud ClinicalCentre, Lisboa, Portugal [357]Department of Oncology, National Cancer Centre, Singapore, Singapore [358]Division of Medical Oncology, National Cancer CentreSingapore, Singapore, Singapore [359]Medical Oncology Service, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maranon, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain [360]Palex MedicalSA - Exact Sciences Corp, Madrid, Spain [361]Department of Oncology, IVO Valencia, Valencia, Spain [362]Pathology Department, Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria FundaciónJimenez Díaz (IIS-FJD), Madrid, Spain [363]GEICAM-Spanish Breast Cancer Research Group, Madrid, Spain [364]Pathology Department, Hospital del Mar, Parc de Salut Mar, Barcelona,Spain [365]Molecular Oncology Group, Vall dfHebron Institute of Oncology, Barcelona, Spain [366]Department of Pathology, Hospital General Universitario de Castelló, Castello,Spain [367]Pathology Department, H.U.Vall dfHebron, Barcelona, Spain [368]Medical Oncology, The Netherland Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [369]ComputationalPathology Group, Department of Pathology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands [370]Division of Molecular Pathology, The Netherlands CancerInstitute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [371]Department of Research IT, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [372]Department of Pathology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [373]Division of Molecular Oncology & Immunology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [374]Department of Pathology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [375]Medical Oncology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [376]Medical Oncology, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK [377]Translational Breast Radiobiology, Institute of Cancer Research, HonoraryConsultant Clinical Oncologist (Breast), The Royal Marsden, London, UK [378]Breast Cancer Now Toby Robins Research Centre, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK [379]Cancer Research UK Lung Cancer Centre of Excellence, University College London Cancer Institute, University College London, London, UK [380]Department of Pathology, UCLCancer Institute, UCL, London, UK [381]University College Hospitals NHS Trust, London, UK [382]Vivactiv Ltd, Bellingdon, Bucks, UK [383]Leicester Cancer Research Centre, University ofLeicester, Leicester, and MRC Toxicology Unit, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK [384]Centre for Evolution and Cancer [384]Division of Molecular Pathology, The Institute ofCancer Research, London, UK [385]Clinical Trial Service Unit & Epidemiological Studies Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK [386]Guy’s Hospital, London, UK [387]King’s CollegeLondon, London, UK [388]Department of Pathology, Wexner Medical Center at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA [389]Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota JointAppointment, Department of laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Research Chair, Division of Medical Oncology, Robert Mutter Radiation Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,USA [390]Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, New York, NY, USA [391]Division of Anatomic Pathology, University of California San Diego Health System, San Diego, CA,USA [392]Surgical Oncology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA [393]Departments of Pathology, Genomic Medicine, Dermatology, and Translational Molecular Pathology,The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA [394]PhenoPath Laboratories, Seattle, WA, USA [395]Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber CancerInstitute, Boston, MA, USA [396]Case Western Reserve University. Louis Stokes Cleveland Veterans Health Administration Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, USA [397]PulmonaryPathology, New York University Center for Biospecimen Research and Development, New York University, New York, NY, USA [398]Department of Pathology, Johns HopkinsHospital, Baltimore, MD, USA [399]PathAI, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA [400]Department of Pathology, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA, USA [401]Breast Cancer Trials,Women’s Malignancies Disease Group, The Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Baltimore, MD, USA [402]Department of Pathology, University Hospitals Cleveland MedicalCenter affiliated with Case Western University, Cleveland, OH, USA [403]Department of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA [404]Departments of Pathologyand Oncology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA [405]National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project Operations Center/NRG Oncology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA [406]Department of Pathology, New York University Langone Medical Centre, New York, NY, USA [407]Department of Computational and Systems Biology, University ofPittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA [408]Mayo Clinic Breast SPORE, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA [409]Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA [410]Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA [411]Oncology Clinical Development, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ, USA [412]Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt UniversityMedical Centre, Nashville, TN, USA [413]Department of Cancer Biology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA [414]Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA [415]Department of Pathology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA [416]National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA [417]Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA [418]Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine,Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA [419]PathAI Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA [420]Translational Sciences, MedImmune, Gaithersberg, MD, USA [421]Department ofPathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA [422]Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, NY, USA [423]Department of Medicine,Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Women’s Health, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA [424]Departments of Medicine and Cancer Biology, VanderbiltUniversity Medical Centre, Nashville, TN, USA [425]NSABP/NRG Oncology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA [426]Yale Cancer Center Genetics, Genomics and Epigenetics Program, Yale School ofMedicine, New Haven, CT, USA [427]Pathology Department, Stanford University Medical Centre, Stanford, CA, USA [428]Department of Medical Oncology, Yale University School ofMedicine, New Haven, CN, USA [429]Department of Pathology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA [430]Biorepository and Tissue TechnologyShared Resources, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA [431]Breast Cancer Research Foundation, New York, NY, USA [432]Memorial Sloan Kettering CancerCenter, New York, NY, USA [433]Department of Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, NY, USA [434]Roche Tissue Diagnostics, Digital Pathology, Santa Clara, CA, USA [435]Department ofPathology, Microbiology and Immunology, Vanderbilt University Medical Centre, Nashville, TN, USA [436]Division of Biostatistics, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA [437]Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA [438]Vernon Cancer Center, Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Newton, MA, USA [439]Department of Biomedical Informatics, Emory UniversitySchool of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA [440]Division of Hematology-Oncology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA [441]Icahn School of Medicine at Mt.Sinai, NewYork, NY, USA [442]Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA [443]Cancer Immunotherapy Trials Network, CentralLaboratory and Program in Immunology, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA [444]Department of Pathology, Weill-Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA [445]Translational Medicine, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ, USA [446]Anatomic Pathology, Boston, MA, USA [447]Division of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, U.S.Food and DrugAdministration, Silver Spring, MD, USA [448]Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital and Lifespan Medical Center, Providence, RI, USA [449]Oncology Service, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA [450]Pathology and Tissue Analytics, Roche, Basel, Switzerland [451]Department of Pathology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands

The advent of immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) in modern oncology has significantly improved survival in several cancer settings. A subgroup of women with breast cancer (BC) has immunogenic infiltration of lymphocytes with expression of programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1). These patients may potentially benefit from ICI targeting the programmed death 1 (PD-1)/PD-L1 signaling axis. The use of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) as predictive and prognostic biomarkers has been under intense examination. Emerging data suggest that TILs are associated with response to both cytotoxic treatments and immunotherapy, particularly for patients with triple-negative BC. In this review from The International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group, we discuss (a) the biological understanding of TILs, (b) their analytical and clinical validity and efforts toward the clinical utility in BC, and (c) the current status of PD-L1 and TIL testing across different continents, including experiences from low-to-middle-income countries, incorporating also the view of a patient advocate. This information will help set the stage for future approaches to optimize the understanding and clinical utilization of TIL analysis in patients with BC.

大类 | 1 区 医学
小类 | 2 区 肿瘤学
大类 | 2 区 医学
小类 | 2 区 肿瘤学

影响因子: 最新[2023版] 最新五年平均 出版当年[2021版] 出版当年五年平均 出版前一年[2020版] 出版后一年[2022版]

第一作者机构: [1]Department of Medical Oncology, Mohammed VI University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed Ist University, Oujda, Morocco
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